New Orleans Location Photography Workshop

On-Location Photography

pHOTO sKILLZ  &  sTANWYCKS  Photo Workshops

Camera Cropped
New Orleans | Slidell
MS. Gulf Coast
800 Phone #
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On-Location Photography Workshops 

Going On-Location is an adventure

Shooting on the Fly and Being Preapared

Preparation & Gear...

Your Imaging Possibilties are Endless...

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National Photography

We can help you make great photos

Camera Cropped
Happy Customers
Photo Session
Archived Photographs

Studio or Location

By Appointment Only

On-Location Photography

Photography On Location, Gear, Preparation, Exposure & Image Processing, Computer Techniques

On Location Photography and being prepared
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On-Location Digital Photography Workshops

On-Location and Being Prepared During Challenging Situations

We cover many of the creative tools that we have at our fingertips to make images tell stories. The answers and image must bring to life are the story,  where the subject is and how is the subject.  You job is to use your camera as the storyteller.
We can show you how to get good images in challenging situations by being prepared. And sometimes all the preparation in the world is not enough and that is where Intuition plays a big role...

Safety First

Shooting and Traveling brings attention to on-lookers especially with expensive gear. Being Unobtrusive is important to traveling with your gear.  Safety should always be a concern wherever you are. We go over tips and tricks for shooting and being safe

Know where You Are, Managing Gear

Some Locations are easy and other locations are challenging like tricky Lighting conditions, difficult places to shoot, tight spaces, crowds, and essentially obstacles.
If you are prepared with the right gear, how you manage your gear, you can get through many situations...

The Color of Light and Technology

Color is seen by your cameras in several ways. Our eye sees in various spectrums of color. How our camera exposes color and what we do with that determines the quality of our images.
Shooting on Location and being able to adjust to the variables are what can make your photography substantially better.

Photo Skillz Offers On- Location Photography Techniques

We work in the studio offer and discuss Tips, Tricks and Photography Do's and Don'ts, Gear and a whole host of things... While On-Location

We Offer Several Photography Courses....

Phone:  504.899.9394

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On-Location Workshops & Classes


On-Location Photography Workshops and Classes

Location Photography
Natural light, how it effects your images and shooting techniques

What to Bring

Attendees should bring their camera,  and lenses they use for shooting. We will have classes. Be prepared to shoot on location under different lighting situations.

Natural light and understanding how it effects our images

Exposure plays into how images are exposed. Understanding light and exposure is important to the process. Working on-location sometimes offers many challenges and exposure difficulties. We discuss metering and understanding how light plays the most important role to your images.

Shooting On The Fly and Being Prepared

Being Prepared for a Location Shoot is critical. You must have what you need and evaluate what the most important outcome of the shoot is and prepare accordingly. Knowing where you are as well is very important. Doing research in advance to arriving is key. We go over all that in Detail...
Understanding the controls on your camera will better prepare you for what's at any given location, hence rendering you better images, You may never be able to shoot at this location again so being prepared with gear, knowing your gear and  understanding your camera.

What we will do

The images we create in this workshops will all be focused on  natural light, some flash, color and exposure. Color theory is discussed as well and how it relates to Digital photography.

Call Stanwycks Photography Today

Call us today to see if we have an ongoing workshop at this time or we can work with you individually to help you find your inner photographer, who can make images anywhere and fast.


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Photography and Exposure Go Hand in Hand

Especially When On-Location....

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Using Your Camera to Tell Stories...

Photography in general alludes to fun and excitement. Photography also brings one to many places both in your minds eye and in the actual photograph. We travel to exotic places with the idea in mind to create equally exotic Photographs. We are travelers, we are adventure seekers and we want to see and do more and capture it through our cameras.

However if we don't know how to do it well, take Photographs... all that excitement dies fast when our Photographs don't look like what we felt and saw when we look at them. Good Photography creates a feeling and better photography get us excited. The old cliché that;

"A picture is worth a thousand Words!"

It's true... I would like to think and hope that some images are worth more words and some Photographs do all the talking. Wouldn't you like to be that Creator? Wouldn't you like to create pictures that speak to your viewing audience?
Take the first step with us at Stanwycks Photography and we will get you on that path today. We will help you understand photography and it's language so much better. You will see!

General Information & Rates

Photography Workshops or Classes

Workshops & Class Sessions
  • Classes and Location shooting
  • Professional Photographer/Instructors to guide you and offer instuction and Guidance
  • One On One - Workshops or Small Groups
  • Camera Instruction at the computer and as we Travel to locations
  • Including Photo Coaching while Location Shooting

Photography Weekend Workshops

Variable Based on Days or Classes or Weekends
  • Professional Photographer/Coach guides you as you shoot
  • New Orleans Weekend Workshops Avaialble
  • Price Depending on Workshop Attractions
  • Photo Coaching While Shooting and in Class
  • Various locations to Photograph
  • On on One or Small Group Workshops

Classes, Coaching or Workshops, we love to help our clients make better Photographs.

Whatever you choose when working with us we want to help you be better with your camera and how you use it. We believe in starting form the basics as a foundation. One can read many books on photography and until you have someone standing there with you and telling you why it is or isn't working, you won't get it as quickly as you may think. Besides all that we make your experience with us fun and memorable as we shoot in your desired locations. Whether on the Gulf coast or in New Orleans we make it interesting and your images will be a direct result.

Call Stanwycks Photography today
at 504.899.9394 or 228.220.4833
or email

We are happy to discuss what kind of photography you want to work on. We can come up with ideas and suggestions that could be great just for you!

Photo Workshop Adventures

Photography is an Adventure!

Improve Your Photography with Stanwycks Photography

Various New Orleans Workshops - Full Days, 2 days and even 1/2 days

On-Location Photography, Can Sometimes Prove Challenging,

Stanwycks Location workshop Can Help With That, For Sure!!! 


Photography Workshops


A Once in A Lifetime Trip, Be Prepared with Camera in Hand....

Understanding How Light Effects an Image

Workshops, Classes and Individual Coaching sessions are available
We schedule workshops and classes working mainly with individuals one on one. Call today to schedule your Workshop or class.

Your images will be much better if you can see how color and exposure renders your images better once understood and implemented. when shooting...

Photography Locations can Look Easy, But Are They?

Want to understand color better and create, more colorful images on location?
There is a lot more to your camera than meets the eye. Color on location and understanding the variables are the main focus of this workshop. Understand how color effects every image you photograph and how your camera and computer processes color.
Color is a reflection of light as seen by the color spectrum... our eyes process color differently than our cameras and computers. Learn to understand the differences and bring out the beauty of color as you see it or better....

Make Statements and tell stories with you images...

"Travel Photography can be the most important aspect to your trip..... "

Prepare Your Photography Gear and Yourself...

Attendees should have a Camera, with lenses, laptop or home computer and software which we can discuss before the workshop/class. We will go shoot photographs. It's recommended to wear something comfortable, weather appropriate and closed toe shoes or sneakers.

Workshops on Your Schedule

"Ongoing" means we teach during the week & on weekends, depending on your schedule and ours... We have assignments, We do our best to make it work for you!"

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394
e-mail us at

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